Every moment comes with an invitation of “that which” has not been acknowledged yet, the trauma, the pain, the wounds, the entanglements, the gift, the love and so much more.
Image Source: Christine Chompton | Rue Virgil Naz, Port Louis, Mauritius |
When the body becomes heavy glued in a movement of agony, sadness, despair, confusion, then is the right time to pause and ask
“What has presented in front of me right here right now? What is inviting my attention to right here right now?
When the body moves in lightness flowing through light, then is the time to pause and ask
“What has presented in front of me right here right now? What is inviting my attention to right here right now?
When the body roots in silence oozing openness, then is the time to pause and ask
“What has presented in front of me right here right now? What is inviting my attention to right here right now?
Every moment comes with an invitation to initiate into embracing.
“That which” is yet to be honored and bestowed with due devotion will keep showing up over and over again through repeated situations, déjà-vus, patterns, dis-sease in the mental, emotional, intellectual, the spiritual and the energetic bodies.
What seems to be the recurring patterns in your life?
What evidence do you have that these are patterns?
|Repeated Situations | Sameness in Relationship| Entanglements |
The invitation is not that of rewriting a new empowering pattern but rather to see “that which” dwells beyond the pattern ripe, juicy and willing to be harvested. From that meeting, an initiation into being with the dis-ease and the ease happens.
The bountiful nature of this life is such that invitations are organically and somatically held, sent and gifted in every moment.
An invitation to face “that which” has been on the wait for eons. What we call as repeated patterns, behaviors, mood swings, anxiety attacks, panics attacks, trauma, wounds and much more.
An invitation to include.
Inclusiveness is the nature of life.
Until the invitation is accepted, held and a choice to include the experience of the ease and dis-ease, that which we term as patterns will stay on replay mode.
My invitation to and for you, pause| breathe |scan | ask
“What is on replay mode? What keeps showing up and I am yet to choose to face it?”
What invitations are waiting for you on your doorsteps?
What support do you need to gather to embrace one invitation at a time?
What resources within will support you as you gather your invitations?
|Wherever| Whoever |However | Whyever |Whatever | Whenever | WE BE and WE ARE, may we be reminded of the generosity of life flowing and flooding towards us. The abundance of invitations to embrace that which has been waiting on our door steps for eons.
Love from my heart to yours
Megha Venketasamy
Image source: Christine Chompton
Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2020. All rights reserved.
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