My invitation to and for you today is to step back and rest your spine
Whatever, However, Whyever, Wherever, Whoever, Whenever rest mean to, for, through and within you
From within the nest of your rest, I invite you to ask
“What movements have I experienced this year?”
The intention of the structure of this question is to move us out of the narratives and for once, to begin looking at life through the lenses of movement, for life in it’s essence is a movement inside and outside.
Instead of asking, what worked and what did not work?; what went wrong and what went right? What I lost and what I gained?”, we are focusing on where life has organically been opening, closing, expanding and contracting for us.
| What do I mean by movement? | How am I using the word movement? |
I am using movement to describe where I have intentionally invested energy.
I am using movement to describe where my focus has been.
I am using movement to describe what I have been moving towards from and what I have moving away from.
I am using movement to describe conscious and unconscious actions that I have engaged in.
I am using movement to describe who I have been becoming this year, the traits, the skills that emerged and or strengthened and what parts of me I have working to hide and shy away.
I am using movement to describe the longing that I emerged whether I held them and those that I have parked aside.
I am using movement to describe what I have opened up in terms of relationships, projects, trauma, wounds, modalities and so much more and the doors that I have closed, in terms of relationships, projects, modalities and so much more.
I can imagine the intensity, the ease as well as the dis-ease of that may be running through and within you now that you have reached this far.
My invitation to and for you is to pause, breathe and choose to become present to your 2020’s movements.
My invitation to and for you is instead of naming, calling, tagging and labelling your year as bad, challenging, wrong, lost, worst, best, ask “ What movements have I experienced this year?”
Use my list of movement’s descriptions as a guide and create your own.
|Where to begin? |
A starting point to check the movements,
What I have been moving towards from? (This question carries another question “What do I want?” The more you move towards your want, the more your energy is focused into your what.)
What have I been moving away from? (This question carries another question “What is it that I don’t want?” The more you focus on moving away towards that which you do not want, the more your energy is invested in fire-fighting possible issues, mishaps, problems and challenges.)
What have I pushed myself to engage with? (I am using “push” in sense of “coaxing self , getting self to engaged in things by self-talking into “I should , I ought to, I have to, I need to” , even though there is an inherent aversion and disconnect )
What have I felt pulled towards? (I am using “pull” in the sense of “I feel called to engage into something while I do have a certain level of fear connected to the unknown)
If you feel called to, walk yourself through these questions and you may consider looking into the different aspects of your life: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, intellectual, energetic and much more.
You may choose to skip all of the above and instead sit with this one question,
“What movements have I experienced this year?”
This question is potent for opening as well for closing.
However, wherever, whyever, whoever, whenever, whatever you are, know that you are being held through and within the seen and unseen.
2020 has brought down the veils, so now we see movements happening and we are many to gradually understand within our body that we were never and are never and shall never be apart from the external movements.
What moves outside, moves inside.
What moves inside, moves outside.
Take good care of yourself.
Rest | Pause | Breathe | Dream | Long | Seek | Hold | Be Held | Embrace | Be Embraced | Love | Be Loved | Kiss | Be Kissed
May you catch yourself gently in, through and within kindness.
Love from my heart to yours
Megha Venketasamy
Graphic Works @ NyameDua 2020
Image source: Unsplash
Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2020. All rights reserved.
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