Em-Powerment Coaching
Empowerment is the ownership of one’s internal response-abilities, one’s abilities to think, feel, speak and act.
My focus is on guiding you towards self-discovery and personal empowerment through a collaborative process whereby I, the coach is the master of the tools and methodologies that I bring and you are master of your life and choices. I work with you to tailor the coaching process to their unique needs and goals.
The goal of empowerment coaching is to guide my clients in recognizing their unique strengths, in learning from their limiting beliefs and choosing to grow beyond the limiting beliefs and making empowering changes in various areas of their lives.
How may my offering support you?
No human is spared from the ever eternal cyclical rhythms of change, yet most of us resist, hang on to the old and withhold from the new usherings in.
Growth is often a painful phase
but it does not have to be an agony.
A life transition, a new job, a relationship transition, seeking your truth,a deep unknowingness, longing for that which calls you within...
Those are the phases that impact your Personal and Leadership Path..
The agony ends when you grow in awareness of where you are, why you are there, how you ended up there and "what, why and where you truly want to be next."
The mistake many of us commit is we try to overcome things on our own within the limits of our inner and outer world.
We remain limit within our limits.
Growth happens within a container of connecting and relating.
As humans, we develop as we connect and relate.
Such is the essential ingredient for growth.
"How does my work as a coach/facilitator differ from others?"
I hold space for your DISCOMFORT. I SEE through your DISCOMFORT. But I also SEE YOU beyond your DISCOMFORT. If you choose to work with me, know that I will MIRROR your DISCOMFORT to You; know that I will BECOME your PARTNER as you walk your way through whatever DISCOMFORTS you.
Image Source: Photo byNik MacMillan on Unsplash
1. Coaching is a conversation that leads to inner transformation
2. Coaching aims to discover the limiting pattern
3. Coaching aims at expanding the awareness of the client of his/her self
4. Coaching is about taking a client to a new level of expertise, learning and skills.
5. Coaching is an intense and focused conversation – SOLUTION ORIENTED.
6. Coaching is OBJECTIVE FOCUSED - geared towards a FUTURE.
What do you want to achieve?
Why is it important for you?
Image Source: Elijah Hiett on Unsplash
Image Source: www.pixabay.com
Coaching is a DANCE – which the client dances his/her way, pace, speed, beats, rhymes, rhythms all through and as the client performs the Coach stands by, facilitates and ensures that this is the client’s best performance ever.
The Coach is the space holder and the Client performs within that space.
In coaching, it was all about the client, his/her inner world and outer games, the Coach is just facilitating the client’s steps, his/her movements, swings and swirls.
What is Meta Coaching?
Coaching in Neuro-Semantics is called Meta-Coaching.
“Neuro-Semantic” more technically the term Semantics refers to the meanings you create as a meaning-maker. What are your meanings about yourself, others, life, your career, health, wealth, relationships, etc.? Are they significant and robust? Are they exciting and enlivening? What meanings are you seeking to actualize in life? What meanings have you actualized? How well do
the meanings that you are living serve you? How ecological are they?
Neurology (neuro-) refers to your body, physiology, and your states. It is in and through your neurology that you feel, experience, and perform your meanings. What do you perform? What semantic reactions do you experience emotionally and as your skills? Do they reflect your best ideas and meanings?
Or is there a big gap between what you know and what you do? Neuro- Semantics focuses on closing the Knowing-Doing gap.
Before we work with others, we are first committed to the apply to self principle. We first access our own resourceful to walk our own talk.
Embodying our meanings empowers us to be congruent and authentic in working with others. We first win at our own inner game and then take our performances to new levels of excellence and productivity in our outer game.
Doing that for ourselves prepares us in assisting others.
Content source: www.meta-coaching.org and www.meta-coachfoundation.org
What are the Coach’s tools?
Image source: Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash
QUESTIONS that are structured to explore, detect, challenge, confront and facilitate empowerment and help the client to find his/her own solution
Coaching is NOT Advise Giving; Mentoring; Teaching; Training; Healing Traumas; Hypnosis; Counselling