He will never ...........

To you precious ones, you who so often forget that there is much more than this detailed list of yours. This same list that you work on so diligently and faithfully in that one coaching session “that which you are seeking in your life partner

Truth be, He is human and he will surely match and he will surely mismatch that which you are seeking

He rides his own shitty waves….



He will never match the one you drew of

He will be his beauty

You will have to learn to see beyond his skin

He will never communicate the way you expect of him

His silence will be stoned, still he will commune

You will have to learn to wave through the heart’s rhythms

He will never console the way you want of him

He will be that one vertebrate through your tides

You will have to learn to trust his steed

He will never open up the way you want him to

He will ooze his love through his beingness

You will have to learn to embrace his songs


He will never be

He will never commune to

He will never respond to

He will never equate to

That one profile on your endless list


He is riding his waves

He is own Kind of Kind

Cradle his Beigness or

Set him free for Someone who will commune to his Kind of Kind




Image source: https://bryanreeves.com

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

Be Gentle with Your Heart – Your Preciousness is Emerging



Some of us will walk a path that tears us apart until we grow – a painful agonizing growth.

All growths do not have to be painful and all pains do not have to be agonizing.

Yet for some of us, it will deeply agonizing, for this is how we will finally learn to open up to life.

For some of us the path will be deeply shifting, for we will be called to let go of all the domestication and give way to that which is within to emerge.

We carry so much fakedness, we carry embedded fears – FEAR of DIFFERENCES, FEAR of the UNKNOWN, FEAR of the DARK, FEAR of LOVE.

The agony will come from that lack of love.

Love is not vicious; Love is not demeaning;

Love is not demanding; Love is certainly not narcissist

Love is just love.

When the agony steps in, it’s your own truth to love that makes you cry, for deep within you know that love speaks of another language, for deep within you know that all this is not real.

Love embraces; Love does not judge, love just be;

Love is patient for Love knows that one day we will tip

And we make a choice to LOVE or to DIE.


This path of yours is no easy. You have a choice, to keep going, or to step aside or to stay in the past.

Whatever you choose, it will grow your self into something.


Step aside and you will eventually rot. 

You will rot every possibility to growth, people, learning and to love.

Stay in the past, you will rot. 

You will rot every possibility to growth, people, learning and to love.

Keep going, you will rot. 

You will rot that which do not serve you anymore

You will rot of people, place, things, relationships, teachers,

teachings, every inches that do not serve you anymore.


And as the decaying deepens, nature will take over. This is the cycle of life, nature serving it’s purpose through you. Nature alchemizing magic through you as you grow into something less.

But this will not be an easy process, for you will hang on to that which used to be familiar – people, places place, things, relationships, teachers, teachings, every inches that used to be you.

If you are hurting right now, know that a huge part has to do with you hanging out.

And your forgetting of your own nature essence dis-serves you. It’s a cyclical life, that which are being taken away from you, will be replaced back by something way beyond, unknown to Divine at times.


It seems unfair because elevation and growth do not necessary

Happen according to our plans.

But plans do change, magic do shift, anything is possible.


So while you rot, keep this faith that everything will regrow from you - place, things, relationships, teachers, teachings, every inches.

This while, the growth will happen from within.


For once, forget about the deadlines, you are and you shall forever be a work in progress. There is no such thing as self-mastery, this rotting, this growing, this path happens in and through layers and through phases.


You are precious for this world way beyond your understanding.


Be gentle with your heart

Growth is happening

Be gentle with your self

Growth is no easy game

Be gentle

Your Preciousness is coming to Life

More than ever you need more of your gentleness



Image Source: http://likesuccess.com

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

My story leads, My story crafts, My story opens, My story heals.


I did not choose to here. My story led me to you in this moment in time.

I did not choose to be what I am. My story crafted that which I am in this moment in time.

I did not choose my dreams. My story opened the way through the unknown for this now.

I did not choose healing. My story healed my achedness for this now.


My story leads, My story crafts,

My story opens, My story heals.

But it was and is no easy path for this little frightened bruised heart that I was , that I am.

We all have bit and parts of us that we love most; that we exhibit most; that we water most; that we beam most.

We all have bits and parts of us that we conceal most; that we blot out most; that we alter most; that we hide most.

I have them too.

"Those childhood memories; that lover who crack you open; those moments where you felt not enough; that one endless argument with your mother; those friends that walked away never once to turn back; those dark nights; those bruises; those broken bones; those unshed tears."


I have them too. You have them too. We have them too.

Choosing them was not a choice. Choosing that which I concealed most, blotted out most, altered most and hidden most – was not my choice.

The truth is I have spent years running and my story has spent years chasing me. We have had this one strong Chaser-Runner relationship.

She chased harder and I ran harder.  Then there came a time when I triumphed and celebrated the mastering of the runner pace, overjoyed for I had knocked off my story. A short celebration, for soon I was standing on that cliff. A mere whoosh would have tripped me off from life. That moment, I stood in knowingness that I was dying, everything within without was fading of its life.

“If we are dying, let’s die knowing that we have tried. Come what may, I will keep calling your name until you come back home to me.”, whispered my story

One Whisper, One Shiver, One Heart Beat and I took the way back home to my story.

I stopped running. A move that brought to my awareness aching muscles, cranking bones, strained pulses, shallow breaths, racing heart, blistered soles.

From then on, I would wake up every day to one story. It would be me and my story, naked intimacy, heart to heart, pains to pains, tears to tears.

Agonizing paralysis, me with that concealed most, blotted out most, altered most and hidden most of me.

And She hummed (she still does):

"How can you lead when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you become when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you dream when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?

How can you heal when you conceal, blot out, alter and hide from that which is you?"

A trance that would last until we would come to an embrace; until that story would reveal her beauty to my beauty; until that story would lead me to my alchemist; until that story would whisper her secrets to my secrets.

For the last seven years, I have been waking up every day to this simple process and I still do.

Not like I am done with my runner and chaser game – it still comes up. Compulsion!

But it does not last for long and I certainly do not reach that cliff anymore.


“We all have bits and parts of us that we conceal most; that we blot out most; that we alter most; that we hide most.

Choosing them is hardly ever a willing choice. Yet choosing them is the only way out of this agony. Choosing them is choosing you. Your story will lead, Your story will craft, Your story will open, Your story will heal. Your story will gift you with your deepest essence. You story will gift you to you. This is your way to wholeness”


Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.

My Little Life

When I looked back at what I did and where I have been through.

It feels like many lives already. It feels like I have constantly been paving my own path despite the fact that there was already a pre-defined plan for me.

A corporate job with a heavy package, a marriage with a home, a “yes daughter” to all.


Yet I just kept moving from them all.

I have no idea why except that my little heart knew there was more to this little life of mine.

Not like I was not afraid, I was and I was not great at articulating my woundedness unless until I had alchemized them.

I am still not good at it.


So people in my space never quite understood this swirling of mine. They still don’t. My stubbornness took it over and I kept going even through the bruises.

It feels like I have been using my free will without being aware of it for years.

It has been a path loaded with choices and consequences. I have been glorified and I have also been cursed by others. Not like, I did not poison my self with what others were saying about me. I did but eventually but I have learned to just mind my path and not make agreements with what others think of me and about me. And I am still learning that though.

Right now at this moment, pausing to look into that which I have become, I will say that I am simply more of that little dreamy girl who soaked for hours with her little heart buried in words.

I have become more of that little one with wings on her legs, hearts in her eyes and magic in her laughter and cheekiness in her arms

I have become more of that my dreams.

Maybe the truth is, my dreams have bestowed endless blessings unto me.


Maybe the lesson was simply this:

“Yes there is a pre-defined plan for us. Most of us shall live our lives through that pre-defined plan too afraid to venture outside. Then once in a while someone will rise above this plan for the sake of her/her heart’s dreams. This rising will teach that person about the gift of free-will. And as that person grows into awareness of this gift, that person will be taught to fight for it. For the only way to mastering this gift is by putting it into use.... "

Post © Megha Venketasamy, 2017. All rights reserved.

Terms of Use and Sharing: Feel free to use the Share on FB or Reblog for personal, non-commercial or educational use with all links intact. If you are an organization, institution or individual seeking to use this material for promotional purposes, please ask first. If wanting to include this information, and/or the ideas explored therein into your workshop materials, teachings or written work, please cite this article and author accordingly. All information provided on this post is non-liable and is not intended to replace professional legal, medical, psychological, psychiatric and/or financial counsel.